Rules and Policies


The following rules are to be followed at Camp Rock Enon:

Vehicles in camp require a pass, please see the Ranger or Camp Director. You MUST first park in the parking lot and then walk to Buffalo or the designated Registration area to ask permission BEFORE you drive into camp.  

Vandalism of any sort will not be tolerated; responsible individuals and/or units will pay for any and all damages including staff time to make repairs.

Discipline is to be handled by unit leaders as needed.  If assistance is needed, please see the Camp Director.

There will always be enough leadership with the Scouts at all times while they are in groups, going to classes or programs and while in their camsite. 

A Scout should always have their buddy (Buddy System) with them.

Please stay off the spillway, the area next to the road outside the front gate, and the hill coming down from Chapel Hill.

Please do not pick up wildlife or throw items at them.

FOOTWEAR POLICY (RULES) FOR CAMP ROCK ENON: All campers, scouters, staff and visitors are always required to wear closed toe shoes while on camp property except for while you are in the shower. Shower shoes or flip-flop style shoes can be worn while in the showers not to and from.  We define closed toe shoes as any shoe where the toes are covered.

Once a participant is registered and has checked in, anyone leaving camp must sign out and back in at the camp office. Failure to do so may cause a camp wide emergency.

Hammock – style tents

  • Do not attach or hang hammock-style tents to any building, shelter or structure in the campsite or in camp.
  • Do not hang hammock-style tent more than shoulder height above the ground.
  • Do not “stack” hammock-style tents above one another.

SAFETY:  The following are prohibited at Camp Rock Enon and will be immediately confiscated. Anyone found to have these items while in camp will be subject to removal from the event without refund. Additional disciplinary actions may be taken as required by BSA policy and state or federal law.

  • Personal Guns of any type (except law enforcement personnel, notify camp director upon arrival)
  • Sheath Knives
  • Personal Slingshots                           
  • Fireworks in any form                        
  • Alcoholic beverages of any type by anyone regardless of age
  • All illegal drugs of any type or form

PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES: The following activities are prohibited while on camp property:

  • Throwing rocks or sticks
  • Playing Football or any other “contact” type sports or games
  • Profanity
  • Gambling

All participants in official Scouting activities should become familiar with the Guide to Safe Scouting and applicable program literature or manuals, and be aware of state or local government regulations that supersede Boy Scouts
of America practices, policies, and guidelines. The Guide to Safe Scouting is an overview of Scouting policies and procedures gleaned from a variety of sources. For some items, the policy statements are complete. Unit leaders are expected to review the additional reference material cited prior to conducting such activities.